Author Archives: Dave Schultz
MagnumGT Face Mask

Many Are Ditching Fascistbook For MeWe
In the last few weeks, millions of people have ditched Fakebook and are calling MeWe.com their new home. I’m one of those people. MeWe has actually been around for a Continue Reading →
Magnum Christmas Gear

The MoparWiki on The Dodge Magnum
Mopar’s bright spot in the horrible Disco era The below link is what’s on the MoparWiki about the 78-79 Magnums. https://moparwiki.com/index.php?title=1978-1979_Dodge_Magnum If you feel some important information, photos, links… is Continue Reading →

My Magnum GT Gets Engine Compartment Sparkle
If you’ve been following along, last year I painted the exterior of the GT. That made the engine compartment, door jams and trunk look dull. So again, if you’re following Continue Reading →
Gear Vendors Over-Drive in my Magnum
Ginger, My Magnum XE The Gear Vendor Overdrive unit is on the transmission. The master power switch is mounted in the console as is a USB port and 12V outlet Continue Reading →