www.Moparstyle.com has set up a forum
strictly for Forgotten B-Bodies. This is a great
place to discuss anything having to do with the
care and feeding of Forgotten B-Body cars.
Please keep the threads on-topic (of the cars)
-- but there also a Tavern forum to shoot the
off-topic breeze.
keep the forums free of spam (good for all of
us), you will have to take about 1 minute to
register. It is a one time deal. Once registered
-- you can place classified ads, upload photos
to the albums and post on the forums. When you
register, you will be sent a confirmation email
with a link to activate your membership. If you
have a spam filter -- set it to accept mail from
admin@moparstyle.net and
admin@moparstyle.com so you receive the
email to complete registration. Do not send
email to those addresses -- as it goes into a
black hole.