buttons ion the Left Side-bar are to various
technical papers and tips for your Forgotten
B-Body. We hope you will find them useful. They
are split up into two categories -- reference,
and upgrades.
If you
would like to author a technical article for
this web site:
Create you article in Microsoft word. Do
not do any special formatting -- and
allow the word wrap to do the line
feeds. Please use the spell and grammar
checker, and then have someone competent
proof your article. I do not have enough
extra time to be "proofing" articles. A
few mistakes is not a good reflection on
the author, and many mistakes will keep
it from becoming published.
If you have images that go with the
article, do not embed them into the Word
document -- but put an obvious
placeholder (bold red text words) with
the file name of the image where you
want it -- and include them in the email
as separate attachments from the Word
Be patient -- I batch this stuff for one
a month catch up.
If you
have a technical question that you can't find
the answer on in this section --
QUESTION -- but post it on the MagnumGT forums.
There are dozens of people visiting it daily who
will be more than happy to answer your